Recovery at its Finest

Sooo remember I mentioned that I had an interview a few posts ago?

It was my first ever interview in the field of Mental Health and I was absolutely over the moon to be given the chance. I was under the impression that it wasn’t meant to be and moved along, dreaming of the day that it would be my turn.

WELL, fast forward 4 weeks and they offered me the position!!!

I still feel like I’m dreaming to be honest haha

I started training a few weeks ago and have been officially on the ward for two weeks.

As part of the Transitional Discharge Model, I will be providing Peer Support using my lived experience, as patients move from Inpatient Psychiatric Care to living fulfilling lives in their communities.

It’s such a special project in its pilot stages here in Victoria, BC and if all goes well, it could potentially be rolled out in hospitals across the province.

In past years this model has been practiced and studied in both Ontario, Canada and Scotland (meant to be or what?!). It has had huge success in lowering re-admission rates, ultimately improving quality of life for participants and lowering costs of health care services.

It’s just so wonderful!!

All through my time in the system it really stuck out that everyone on my recovery team was ‘textbook learned’ and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but for me, I was dying to connect with some who had lived experience - who truly knew what I was going through outside of a bio-medical label.

Well wooop tee do!! It’s happening and I am thrilled.

It really is a testament to how far I’ve come and I feel that I’m exactly where I am supposed to be.

I’ve been knocking my assignments and course work out the park in my Mental Health & Addictions course, coming out with 85-100% in practically everything I touch.

I thought hospitality was my calling for the longest time. I was good at it and I loved it, but for the first time in my life, the quote ‘Do what you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life’, really rings true.

My heart is so full and I feel so passionately about everything in my life right now.


I am committed to growth and learning for the rest of my life. I’m not blind to the idea that there will be setbacks and curveballs from time to time. I will always have Bipolar & PTSD but I will never turn my back on Psycho-Social Rehabilitation and the path that is recovery.

I will never let go of the idea that it does in fact get better!!

Love xo 

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